The entire orientation of KBF is “thought leading to action.”
Through the readings that form the basis of the KBF seminars, the Fellows are exposed to a range of “thought leaders” and role models from around the globe and across the ages who have clearly articulated their visions for “a good society” and demonstrated their capacity for effective, enlightened leadership. As they read, the Fellows are challenged to think about their own visions – and about how they measure up as leaders.
Through the dialogue and debate that is inspired by these readings and prompted by the moderators, the Fellows are exposed to the values and beliefs of others from their own societies with whom they must learn to work if they are to build stronger economies and civil societies. Government and civil society leaders learn how their counterparts in the business community think about concepts such as “efficiency” and “liberty”, how they respond to crises and critical challenges, and what their frustrations are as they try to create growth and jobs. Likewise, business leaders learn how their counterparts in other sectors think about “community” and “equality”, and how they balance the demands of the marketplace with the needs of the less-endowed and less-empowered.
Through their required leadership projects, all of the Fellows are compelled to put their own visions and leadership styles into action.
The result should be:
Greater engagement of emerging Indian business leaders in active policy dialogue with their government, especially dialogue around creating the right conditions for broad-based growth and successful participation in the global economy.
Greater engagement of emerging Indian business leaders – and the businesses they lead — in tackling social challenges – from HIV/AIDS to literacy, nutrition, housing, and skills development.
Greater engagement by emerging government and civil society leaders with the business community in tackling these same social challenges.