The Mid- Year Indian Economy Review: Assessing Growth Prospects

Blog Post The Indian economy is recovering from the damages caused by the second wave of Covid-19 during April and May 2021. The Ananta Centre organised a session on “The Mid-Year Indian Economy Review – Assessing Growth Prospects” to examine the current state of the Indian economy, identifying the possible recovery signs and indicating the […]

Economy and Policy Session- Assessing the Direction of India’s Trade Policy

Webinar Blog  While the Indian economy is still recovering from the damages caused by COVID-19, the direction of India’s trade policy and where it is headed is an important factor to assess. While India has done well in terms of exports, its policies are increasingly appearing to be protectionist. Against this backdrop, the Ananta Centre hosted a […]

An Interaction with the Minister for the Armed Forces of France, H.E. Ms Florence Parly

Webinar Blog The bond between India and France is deeply rooted in its historic relations. In recent years, the two countries’ relationship and trust have grown and flourished significantly. In this context of shared values and a strong partnership between the two countries, the Ananta Centre hosted a digital webinar with Ms Florence Parly, Minister for the […]