Blog on Trade Prospects in the next Five Years

While the pandemic has disrupted our lives in terms of all we understood as normal, it has also created the space for technology to bloom. What AI and IoT do in the current context of Covid -19 is reinvent the manner in which work was envisioned and introduce novel ways to keep workers safe while […]

What Next for Neighbourhood First

India is placed in a neighbourhood which has shared civilization ties, cultural heritage and values, religious and linguistic affinities. Despite these similarities, history has shown us that countries in this region have had many ups and downs in their relations. Within this complex region India is the largest country and has always reiterated on the […]

The Levelling

A strong society is one that stands firmly on a level ground. Such a ground is difficult to build especially when it involves uprooting deeply-embedded gender disparities. Over the years, many women have overcome tremendous odds to hack away at patriarchal structures and contribute to the flattening but, the ground is still vast and jagged. […]