I have wanted to come to India for the longest time thanks to how fondly family, friends and acquaintances spoke fondly of various trips to India. Prior to my fellowship at Aspen Institute India, I was fortunate enough to live in Japan and travel to some Asian countries such as China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia, and my one of my regrets not to travel to India. However, thanks to the Avantha-Aspen Institute India Fellowship, that would soon change. As a graduate student of International Administration at the school of Public Administration at Leiden University, my focus is essentially on the complex national and international contexts within which international organisations function. My specialisation places emphasis on public administration and state-society relations in transitional societies whilst studying international relations, international organisations, and national administrative systems current theory and research on issues that are high on both international and national agendas.My thesis topic was on providing a comparative analyses on two Asian powers, China and Japan as development assistance partners in Africa. Consequently, my courses and my thesis allowed me to be deeply engaged with issues in emerging countries, global governance issues, regional organisations, ‘south-south’ dynamics, ‘north-south’ dynamics and living in an age defined as the Asian Century.
The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity: Key Opportunities & Concerns for India

- Podcast
Arohana An Ananta Podcast Series

Pramit Pal Chaudhury, Foreign Editor, Hindustan Times, and Distinguished Fellow & Head, Strategic Affairs, Ananta

Ambassador Sharat Sabharwal, Former High Commissioner of India to Pakistan and Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Ananta Centre

Pramit Pal Chaudhury, Foreign Editor, Hindustan Times, and Distinguished Fellow & Head, Strategic Affairs, AnantaPramit Pal Chaudhury, Foreign Editor, Hindustan Times, and Distinguished Fellow & Head, Strategic Affairs, Ananta
Pramit Pal Chaudhury, Foreign Editor, Hindustan Times, and Distinguished Fellow & Head, Strategic Affairs, Ananta
Ambassador Ashok Sajjanhar, Former Ambassador of India to Kazakhstan, Sweden and Latvia; President, Institute of
Ambassador Ashok Sajjanhar, Former Ambassador of India to Kazakhstan, Sweden and Latvia; President, Institute of
Singapore confers Honorary Citizen Award on former CII head Tarun Das
Mr. Tarun Das, founding trustee of the Ananta Aspen Centre and former Director General Confederation...
Pramit Pal Chaudhury, Foreign Editor, Hindustan Times, and Distinguished Fellow & Head, Strategic Affairs, Ananta