The second and third seminars in the series on Artificial Intelligence and Block – chain for Efficient Public Services Delivery were held in Bangalore and Hyderabad. This series has been designed by Ananta Centre and its knowledge partner KPMG to encourage conversation and exchange of ideas between relevant stakeholders on how Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain – two frontier technologies – can trans – form public services delivery for India. The two seminars were successful in garner – ing quality participation and generating action-based conversation. Key takeaways The government was predicted to be the largest consumer of AI, given the technol – ogy’s potential in the space of governance, participatory development, healthcare, financial inclusion, agriculture practices and water management. States like Kar – nataka and Telangana are already using AI technologies in many of their initiatives; Telangana has also worked out a charter of “Internet of things” in governance. India’s public sector is fast emerging as a large consumer of Blockchain technology. Currently, the sector has 40+ Blockchain initiatives. The start-up community in India is working on various blockchain based solutions focusing on supply chain, e-governance, healthcare and BFSI. The government is not just playing the role of a regulator but that of a consumer as well. For example, the government of Andhra Pradesh is working with Zebi data for blockchain-based solutions in land registry and with Hitachi to set up an online citizen governance platform. The seminar threw up the need for AI & Blockchain Literacy Programmes for citizens. Informed citizenry would help the government to make more legitimate use of these technologies. The government needs to catalyze a healthy eco system of startups, technology solution providers, CoEs, regulators and end users and also come up with a clear, objective-driven policy frame work
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