China: A mysterious, young girl

China: A mysterious, young girl— Anuj Poddar, Aspen India Leadership Initiative Fellow PrefaceThis past summer, a group of Aspen Fellows descended in Beijing, China for an AGLN1 Alumni Seminar focused on understanding China. As Aspen Fellows (read: above-normal IQs, I-know-it-all-attitude and very opinionated intellectuals) many of us already knew China. And yet something drew each […]

A recap of my fellowship experience at Aspen Institute India.

I have wanted to come to India for the longest time thanks to how fondly family, friends and acquaintances spoke fondly of various trips to India. Prior to my fellowship at Aspen Institute India, I was fortunate enough to live in Japan and travel to some Asian countries such as China, Hong Kong, South Korea, […]

Africa & India: Strengthening connections and advancing opportunities

Africa & India: Strengthening connections and advancing opportunities Executive Summary AFRICA, A CONTINENT OF 54 COUNTRIES was once infamously relegated as ‘The Hopeless Continent’ by The Economist. Much has changed in recent years across Africa, from the strengthening of democratic governance and economic growth experienced by many African states. Such is the euphoria on Sub […]