Master Class Videos
The Masterclass Series On Emerging Technologies Is Organized Under The Aegis Of The India – Israel Forum And Jointly Convened By Ananta Aspen Centre, Confederation Of Indian Industry, And The Tel Aviv University Of Israel. This Virtual Event Aims To Promote Academic Linkages Between India And Israel And To Enhance Technical Knowledge And Awareness About Emerging Technologies Among University Students In India. Delivered By Leading Professors Of Tel Aviv University, With A Contribution From Indian Industry Leaders, The Masterclass Series Is An Unparalleled Opportunity To Gain Powerful Insights Into Various Aspects Of The Fascinating Emerging Technologies Of The XXI Century.
Session 1: Monday, January 23, 2023 (1.5 hour)
The in-hand manipulation problem:
The course begins by defining the in-hand manipulation problem, learning about types of manipulations and showing various work on the topic. Distinction between dexterous and non-dexterous robotic hands, with various solutions for in-hand manipulations.
Session 2: Tuesday, January 24, 2023 (1.5 hour)
Motion planning and learning under uncertainty:
Consider a dynamic system, such as a robotic hand during a manipulation task, with inherent uncertainties such as friction and obstacles. Methods to plan robust motion. That is, how can we plan a path for the system to follow that has the highest probability to succeed? A brief introduction to show how reinforcement learning can address such uncertainties.
Session 3: Monday, February 13, 2023 (1.5 hour)
Privacy in Crisis:
Introduction to a general framework of law & technology and proceed to privacy. Privacy Challenges – from the government to the private sector, including social media and online data giants – in broad brush and then turn to the case study of technological tools for contact tracing during COVID.
Session 4: Tuesday, February 14, 2023 (1.5 hour)
Privacy by Design:
The focus on searching for a technological solution for privacy challenges within a legal framework, namely Privacy Enhancing Technologies and Privacy by Design. Examples discussed, include the HaMagen application developed by the Israeli Ministry of Health during COVID.